With every brushstroke Sharon Pinsker tells a story that captures and captivates the viewer with images that last forever. Her authenticity and love of the craft shines bright like a beacon with her light inspiring others to pick up the paintbrush and paint. Her book ‘Figure: How to Draw & Paint the Figure with Impact’ is like the holy bible for those wanting to learn the art of mastering the human figure. Sharon’s knack of capturing movements has led her into the world of animation and live action films, collaborating with other barnstormers within the creative industries. From working on fashion campaigns, book covers and celebrity portraits her work shape shifts effortlessly into different mediums and formats. 

We recently caught up with Sharon to discuss her awe-inspiring journey not only as a creative but as a person, to further understand what shaped her work. Like us mere mortals, artists also go through the same self doubts and anxieties, and it can often be the daily obstacles that help shape the best art. 

When you started out as an artist did you ever think you would publish a book that would act as a resource and a guide for other artists?

I can’t honestly answer that question because I never “started out as an artist”.  As far back as I can remember I was only happy if I was making something, usually a drawing or a painting. My artwork was more of  a compulsion, than an ambition. So it was more by luck, than by design I discovered I was able to make a living out of my addiction. I certainly never imagined anyone would be vaguely interested in reading about my work process, let alone want to publish a book about it. So it was completely mystifying to me when a publisher approached my agent and requested a meeting to discuss commissioning a book.


I remember the look of abject horror on my agent’s face when I turned to the commissioning editor and enquired – “Are you sure you have not confused me with someone else? Have you seen my work ? I really don’t think anyone would be interested in reading about how it’s done.”



I still think that book was successful because I shared the struggle I have with achieving goals and meeting deadlines, rather than the work itself. The questions and conflicts that arise with all aspects of problem solving… and the continuous internal dialogue that we all have while working. The title was the editor’s choice, not mine. I felt it implies that I know “How to…”do something -but whoever reads it will quickly realise I am still working it all out myself! That’s ultimately how I see my work anyway, like the “working out in the margin” never as a finite piece.

I still get messages from people telling me how helpful the book has been to them, and it is listed as recommended reading ,even now. I am thrilled by that of course, but equally amazed.

Even more surprising is to see it mentioned in quite unexpected places!

The Interaction Between the Brain Hemispheres While Drawing – PRINT Magazine 

10 Libri per coltivare il “mindset” del perfetto programmatore

Did your distinctive style come naturally or was it something you developed while at Central Saint Martins and Parsons School of Design?

It depends on what you mean by “style”, maybe the images just end up looking the same .That is entirely unintentional though because more often than not, I am trying to do different things all the time. My work is developing and mutating with every new project. I don’t start with a particular look in mind  but every job will dictate how I approach it. Invariably it goes through many incarnations.

Yes, during this process I will be drawing on things I learnt while at CSM and Parsons but also everything I have done since then. Nothing is ever wasted, even if discarded… and a lot is discarded. Everything I do is a compilation of past trial and error.

It can be a hard life making a living as an artist, did you ever go through any self doubts early on in your career?

Every single day.

What do you think is the biggest obstacle for young artists in today’s environment?

I think young people today have so much more to deal with, the challenges must be overwhelming. When I was at St.Martin’s, as it was then, we had three choices for a degree course after Foundation, these were Fashion, Graphics and Fine Art Now young people have to choose from so much more including live action film, 2D animation, stop motion, photography, graphics, cgi, motion graphics, motion capture, VR, WebDesign, AI. to name a few ..there is so much pressure to specialize which takes time and experience which means less time for development and growth in other disciplines. 

The advantages of more advanced technology and accessible information at their fingertips doesn’t lessen the disadvantages of not having any more time or freedom to experiment and find their own focus. I wanted to paint people so I chose to study fashion because I realised I would have more access to life drawing classes. Fundamentally we had to know how clothes would work on a body. If I had chosen Fine Art, back then the life drawing  classes were few and far between, they had been abandoned in favour of Abstract and Conceptual Art.


I don’t know if it would be so easy for me today to study Fashion and then Fashion Illustration but I do know that if I hadn’t had the chance to experiment in those fields then my work would not have taken me on the journey that ended up with my working in film and animation which was a place that my illustration work seemed to fit best. 

The pressure of having to choose a career in itself is a terrifying prospect for a young person when they are trying to find their way in a scarily competitive field. They need space to make mistakes and learn from them and how valuable they are… more valuable, in my opinion, than their successes.

So to answer your question the biggest obstacle for young people, I think, is lack of time to find their feet before having to join the race.

You’ve worked with fellow NERD director Shay Hamias, could you maybe tell us a bit more about that dynamic?

Shay is fabulous to work with. He is one of those people that can make anything work. However challenging it might be, he makes it look easy. I remember if ever I saw a problem he would see a solution. 

He smiles a lot too and that makes a world of difference, collaboration with Shay was a joy! 

I can’t wait to craft with him again.

Do you still feel like you’re learning and growing as an artist?

Absolutely. It’s that eternal paradox, possibly Aristotle? ” The more you know, the more you know you don’t know “. 

The learning and growing process only increases the more you do… which is all the more frustrating  because, of course, then you have less and less time!

Whether you’re just starting your painting journey or looking for a source of inspiration we highly recommend reading Sharon’s ‘Figure: How to Draw & Paint the Figure with Impact’ and to see more of her wonderful work click here.



In the latest “Get to Know” article Louis caught up with visionary filmmaker Marta Chierego to delve into her stunning and global spanning filmography. Her work is a rich tapestry that perfectly balances ambitious and sophisticated cinematic language with stories that feel handcrafted and intimate, which is no easy feat to pull off even for the most seasoned of filmmakers. So let’s all gather around the metaphorical campfire as we explore together what makes Marta’s distinctive brand of storytelling so special and how her craft was shaped and molded over the years by the people who inspired her.

Let’s rewind back to a young Marta, did you always have the goal to be a filmmaker or was it something that you came into at a later stage in life?

I fell in love with cinema at a very young age. Some of my earliest memories are of Star Wars and 2001: A Space Odyssey – even Twin Peaks, although I realise that’s not great publicity for my mom . And while I grew up appreciating many art forms, I watched films relentlessly and probably obsessively more than anything. I remember the experience of watching a film and ‘knowing’ that the camerawork was good, but not understanding why yet. Initially, I wanted to be an actor, so I immersed myself in theater programs all through high school. But when I moved to London at 19, I realised that what truly fascinated me was what happened behind the camera. Since traditional film school wasn’t an option financially, I enrolled in a hands-on program and started working on film sets, taking on as many roles as possible to understand the mechanics of filmmaking. That experience serves me to this day, as it gave me a deep appreciation for every department on set and a firsthand understanding of why every role matters. So, in a way, cinema has always been with me. The path evolved, but the passion never changed.

It’s funny when we first spoke I had the imagery of Terrence Malick imprinted into my mind as a visual reference for your own work, which is someone you ended up mentioning as a source of inspiration. Could you tell us a bit more about how his work influenced or informed your own filmmaking?

I was so touched to hear you say that my work reminds you of Malick. He’s had such a profound impact on the art of filmmaking, there’s truly no one like him. I still remember watching The Thin Red Line in theaters when it first came out and being completely transfixed by his style. What makes Malick so special, in my view, is his ability to create a cinematic experience that feels both poetic and immersive. His films evoke a sense of awe, an emotion I’ve explored in my own work. I’ve come to realize that awe has a profound effect on us; it enhances creativity, deepens gratitude and awakens something fundamental in our sense of being alive. We throw around the word ‘awesome’ so casually that we sometimes forget its true meaning. Regardless of one’s spiritual beliefs, his films have a way of connecting you to something greater, something beyond yourself. You don’t have to believe in anything specific – you just feel it. Which again is something that I seek to express with my work. A sense of presence, and an exploration of what some call the ‘Great Mystery’.

Terrence Malick’s poetic approach to filmmaking blends wild landscapes with intimate human moments.


Marta beautifully captures the same sense of poetic scale and human interaction in the stunning ‘unconditional’ a film in which grand vistas collide with compassionate close ups.


To view full film click here

Inspiration is a shapeshifter that can present itself in many different forms and sometimes at inconvenient times. Where do you often find inspiration when you find yourself searching for new ideas?

Creativity isn’t a linear skill. It has its own rhythm and you have to allow space for ideas and inspiration to find you. I love Julia Cameron’s invitation to regularly take yourself on artist dates. I consider a day well spent when it involves looking at paintings, visual art, listening to music, watching films and documentaries, as well as reading. I miss observing people more, as so much of our life has become digital. My approach to inspiration is both eclectic and voracious; I absorb a wide range of influences, but I can also hyper-focus and dive deeply into a single topic. For a long time, I thought I was being lazy or undisciplined if I didn’t immediately put pen to paper when trying to generate ideas. Over the years, I’ve come to realise that my creative process involves an essential marination stage, oscillating between expansive curiosity and intense focus and letting thoughts percolate until they begin to take shape. Sometimes they emerge as fragments, other times as fully formed concepts and eventually, they start to constellate into something meaningful that I can start building on. It’s a process and I’ve found that movement plays a key role in it. Being outdoors, walking, dancing, yoga, even singing – all of these somehow help shift ideas between the body and mind, allowing them to develop in a more complete form.

We see a lot of big brand commercials that can oftentimes feel like bloated product placements but people feel front and center of your stories. Could you tell me more about your process?

For me, the starting point is always the universal human experience. Whether it’s a beverage, a car, or a software, there’s human passion and intention at the core of every product. So I flip the script, I start with the human story and let that naturally guide how the product or brand fits into the narrative.

Of course, in a highly competitive market, brands want to stand out and a lot of work goes into that. But at the end of the day, what truly makes people remember a brand isn’t just the product – it’s whether they felt something when they experienced the story behind it. 

I also think that modern marketing has really evolved into aligning a brand to the core values of the audience it’s trying to reach. So for instance, a brand might get behind a story that shows thought leadership within a space they know is of interest to their customer base. I love working on those kinds of briefs as they give you the highest chance to tell a story that feels rich and authentic.

Some directors are more confident behind the camera and others are more comfortable directing the actors but in the world of commercials, time is limited so how do you make sure you’re getting the best from the talent?

I wish I were Dr. Manhattan, so I could be ubiquitous 😀. Until then, my approach to commercial shoots is all about preparation. I make sure every shot and camera movement is well thought out in advance so we can achieve the most ambitious visuals. When working with actors, I try to keep things relaxed and open, as well as giving them precise and tangible direction in terms of the emotion or tone I’m looking for. Actors have a special place in my heart, probably because of my experiences on stage when I was younger. Everyone’s role is valuable on set and I think actors specifically gift us their vulnerability so that we can feel something. So I try to honor that and I’m really proud that many of the actors I’ve worked with have specifically reached out to tell me how much they enjoyed the experience. Making art is not easy and we often have to pressure each other to get there, so knowing that people like working with me is the highest praise.


You’ve lived many lives and have called many different places home since leaving Italy, do you think this has influenced you as a storyteller?

Absolutely. I’m grateful to have lived and traveled extensively around the world. It’s shaped the way I see humanity. To me, diversity isn’t about blending everything into a single, homogenous norm. It’s about embracing the richness of our differences, while at the same time looking for the common thread that defines our shared human experience. As a storyteller, my international life journey allows me to take multiple perspectives into account, recognizing that no single viewpoint tells the whole story. It’s also given me a deep appreciation for cultural nuance, an understanding of the subtle details that make a place, a community, or a tradition unique. Whether it’s the way people communicate, the rhythm of a city, or the values that shape a particular region, I bring that awareness into my work through a genuine and deep sense of curiosity.

Burnout can happen to the best of us so how do you remain focused and engaged?

That’s a great question for our times. We move through different seasons in life and I think the key is to develop a healthy relationship with yourself, so you can pursue your ambitions from a place of love rather than conflict. Being an artist is a vocation and I’ve shaped my life around its demands. For me right now, it means staying grounded, sharp and soft all at once. Ambition requires focus and courage, but I also believe it needs heart and compassion — because at the end of the day, our best work is measured not just by what we create, but by the impact we leave on those around us. Having healthy routines is essential for me, and that includes being mindful of what I feed my mind as well as my body. Digital culture has seeped into every aspect of our lives, often leaving us feeling disconnected, alienated and lacking empathy. I think it’s more important than ever to make a conscious choice to remain anchored in the real world, as our brains, bodies and souls cannot function properly without it.

Working in advertising and filmmaking in general can often be about compromising so how do you work with restrictions?

Sometimes constraints can actually fuel creativity rather than hinder it. Instead of focusing on what I can’t do, I ask myself, What’s the smartest, most inventive way to make this work? Being a professional  means knowing how to clearly communicate your vision and knowing how to strike a balance between protecting the integrity of an idea and embracing the realities of production. The better you can articulate the value of an idea, the easier it is to align with clients and collaborators to meet its needs. It helps me to remember that when a client hires me, they’re placing their trust and often their own professional stakes in my hands. They bring with them not just their hopes, but also their fears. I remind myself that the people I’m working with have their own pressures and responsibilities and part of my job is to make sure they feel like they are part of the journey, while still pushing for the strongest creative outcome.

Marta’s output across commercial, documentary and branded content makes for an outstanding body of work, with each project made with the same level of professionalism and passion. We can’t wait to share more of her work with everyone in the future.

Until then click here to see more of Marta’s stellar work.

The Mad Science Behind NERD Productions’ Paul Lovas

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NERD Productions continues to grow its impressive photography roster and the latest addition to join is Paul Lovas. From food and drink to still life, Paul’s work feels distinctive and brimming with originality, his strong use of colours and his almost scientific approach to photography comes together to create something special. 

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NERD Productions latest addition to the team Louis Hudson caught up with Paul to find out more about his approach to photography and what inspires his work. From skating, still life painting and DIY filmmaking we take a look behind the images to better understand the artist.

How did you get into photography in the first place?

In my early youth, my whole world revolved around skating and everything that came with it. I documented it all with a video camera, even rigging a fake fisheye lens by slapping a door viewer on with gaffer tape, DIY style. As I moved on to art school and started digging deeper into visual arts, my focus gradually shifted, and skateboarding faded into the background.

Still life and advertising felt like a natural fit. My great-grandfather was a still-life painter, so I grew up in a house where every wall was covered with his works — or those of other still-life artists. To top it off, my parents ran an advertising agency, which kind of immersed me in the world of visual storytelling without me even realising it.

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Could you tell us more about the studio you formed with your friend in university and what you learned from this experience?

SquareOne Studio was actually my second shot at studio photography — the first one fizzled out after a few projects and didn’t even make it to the naming stage. Determined to try again, I started building my own brand, and soon my colleague Toto joined me. We needed a way to promote our shiny new venture, so we dug up an old university project: an outdoor studio where people could get portraits — just not the headshot kind. Instead, we’d splash them with coloured water and capture the chaos. We called it, “We Add Colour to Your Summer.”

The idea took off, and soon we were photographing tons of people across Romania and Spain. It was a wild, creative ride.But as we dug deeper into running the studio, we got in our own way a bit with different opinions and clashing ideas — it was like two chefs fighting over the same pot. Eventually, we decided to part ways, and not long after, I moved to the UK to start a new chapter with my now-fiancée. Toto and I stayed good friends, though. And if skateboarding taught me anything, it’s how to fall, get back up, and trust people along the way — resilience has always been my greatest guide.

You have a vivid and distinct style but how did this take shape and what were your earliest forms of inspiration?

My style didn’t just come out of nowhere; it’s been shaped by a lot of things I’ve been into over the years. Skateboarding culture definitely influenced how I see the world, a lot of different music, from punk to electronic and a lot of Hip Hop and graffiti art. Comic books and video games introduced me to different storytelling techniques and visual styles.

The use of colour by Gustav Klimt has been a huge inspiration. And, of course, like any photographer, I get inspired by other photographers too. There’s inspiration everywhere — from music to art to design to a simple walk in the park. It’s all about pulling from different places and making it my own.

Your work feels meticulous to the point of almost scientific but at the same time  feels incredibly inventive and experimental. Could you tell us a little bit more about your creative process and how ideas take shape?

This is a tricky one! It’s hard to pin down how ideas take shape. Inspiration comes from everywhere – what you’ve lived through, the people you’ve met, the movies you watched, your childhood, etc.; all those experiences coming together and influencing your work. It’s not like I wake up and say, “Today I’m going to shoot sandwiches exactly like this…” I think of the creative process more as a journey of constant experimentation. Being a photographer is like problem-solving; you’re always figuring things out along the way.

For example, one of my recent shoots was about sandwiches. The idea came to me while I was hungover, eating a croque madame at a restaurant with my fiancée. I wasn’t super hungry, so I was mostly playing around with the food, and when the yolk burst, I knew I had to shoot that. The more I thought about it, I remembered the Scooby-Doo cartoons from my childhood and thought, “I’ve always wanted a sandwich like the ones Scooby and Shaggy used to eat!” So, I decided to stack multiple sandwiches just like they did in the cartoons.I shared the idea with my friend Dickie from Digital Peaches, we pulled together a team and boom — three different Scooby sandwiches.

Scooby Doo Sandwiches Louis - NERD Blog - The Mad Science Behind NERD Productions' Paul Lovas

Like every good science project it’s all about trial and error and I wondered if you could share some examples of experimentation that lead to you discovering a new technique or something you would use in later projects?

This question brings up a funny story. It was really hot outside and I was shooting for another project, but felt like having an ice-cream, so I went and bought a twister. But when I work I typically can’t sit still, so while I was putting my set together, at some point I needed both hands and stuck the ice-cream on a stand. By the time I got it again it was melting and that instant I just had to shoot it.

It ended up being one of my best pictures, selected by Lurzer’s Archive to print in their 200 Best Digital Artists Worldwide 2023. Of course, I went back and bought a dozen more Twisters to set up the shot properly and experiment to get it right, but it came almost accidentally.

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But most times, I have a plan and there’s a lot of trial and error to achieve that. Recently, I did a series of glasses – I really love glasses and I pick them up wherever I can, sometimes they inspire my shoots. I wanted to create a really crisp setup for them and wanted to capture water as well, but it took a few good tries to reach the kind of water waves that made sense. Usually, I go for bold bubbles or splashes, but here I didn’t want to overpower the glasses so I went for more subtle waves which took a while.

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Do you find the experimental stage of working a new brief the most exciting part?

Yeah, I’d say this is the best part of my job is figuring out how to make ideas possible.

How do you deal with working on briefs that are less flexible and creative?

This is something I really enjoy too. Even though it’s not entirely my vision, it’s still a fun challenge —there’s always that problem-solving element. Meeting the brief accurately can be tricky and often requires a ton of pre-planning, plus backup plans for the backup plans! Things rarely go exactly to plan on set, so you’ve got to have a few aces up your sleeve. I spend a lot of time prepping, thinking through all the possible scenarios, so when the unexpected happens, I’m ready to adapt and make it work.

It would be an understatement to say your work is refreshing but how do you set yourself personal challenges to always try to create something new and original?

I’ve always gotten bored fast and needed something new to keep me engaged. Not completely new, just something that adds a little spark. I think that’s why I’ve been doing this for so long — every project comes with its own exciting challenges. Even if I’m shooting the same beer twice, for example, I’m always looking for a way to add something fresh. 

As you’d expect, there’s a lot of experimental work that never goes beyond my display and I love doing test shoots and experimental projects when I have time. Test shoots are a key part of the process —they’re where I have the freedom to try anything. Sometimes, something unexpected comes up during a test shoot, and later that technique, prop, lighting setup, or even how you block the scene, finds its way into a commercial project.

Test shoots are where you can keep experimenting, tweaking, adding, or taking things away, making a thousand changes until it finally matches the vision in your head. They’re basically a playground for creativity.

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What excites you most about collaborating with NERD?

This one’s an easy answer. I’d been searching for the right home for a while, and meeting Milana and Ira just clicked —it felt like we belonged together. I really connect with NERD’s dynamic style, bold colors, and vivid visuals. There’s a shared energy and creative vibe that makes it feel like the perfect fit.

What would be a dream brief?

I love any dynamic liquids brief — whether it’s beverages, cosmetics, food, or even paint, I’m all in. But there are definitely some cool brands I’d love to work with like Macallan, Cola, a few beer and cosmetics brands. On the drinks side it’s more about what I enjoy myself, but with cosmetics, I really love the creamy look and feel of those liquids – the camera just loves that!

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I love shooting products I genuinely like, especially brands with great design. For example, I’d love to shoot for Macallan whisky, especially the “M” edition. I’ve been a fan of the brand since my bartending days, but the M edition bottle is on another level. The design, the shape, and probably the craftsmanship behind it are just exceptional. I’ve never seen one in real life, so fingers crossed I won’t be disappointed! But considering it’s a £5k+ bottle of whisky, I think it’s safe to say it’s pretty special.

Any upcoming projects to look forward to?

I’m wrapping my head around new ideas for mixing AI with studio work — perfecting the technique for different situations. I have a plan to shoot a series of traditional cocktails, but that’s all I’ll say about it for now. Meanwhile I’ve been renovating our living room – I love to go deep into DIY projects outside of my day-to-day work sometimes. They always motivate and inspire me in surprising ways.

“Discovering Paul and delving into his incredibly cool and modern creations was the cherry on the cake for 2024! Meeting him in person was even more delightful as he is as humble and as funny as he is talented. We are thrilled to have him join our diverse roster. He is indeed a perfect fit.” – Milana Karaica, Founder at NERD Productions.    

The entire team at the NERD can’t wait to see what mind-bending experiments Paul comes up with next and we can’t wait to share it with you all.

Picture This: A photographic journey across Scottish hotel collection with Viktoriia Telfer

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Project Data

Client: Eulogy 
Locations: Fairmont St Andrews, The George (Edinburgh), W Edinburgh
Shoot date: September 2024
Photographer: Viktoriia Telfer


Viktoriia is a people- and experience-focused photographer, with interior and hospitality spaces being a key part of her creative portfolio. With Ukrainian heritage and a passion for storytelling through imagery, she specialises in showcasing the soul of environments while also celebrating the people who bring these spaces to life. Her portfolio highlights her work with prestigious hospitality brands, including IHG Hotels & Resorts, Marriott, Fairmont and Marine & Lawn Hotels & Restaurants.

Her photography brings out the intricate details, inviting ambiances, and distinctive character of each property, with a style characterised by an uplifting and intriguing approach. When not behind the lens, she explores Scotland’s historic landscapes with her husband and two huskies, drawing inspiration from the rich textures and stories of her surroundings.

What was about the initial brief that intrigued you?

Okay, so this wasn’t your typical photography gig. Three hotels, three days, one client – talk about a creative marathon! I’ve done plenty of hotel shoots before, but this was different. Usually, I’m all about diving into a hotel’s history, but this time, the brief was to showcase the pure, awesome essence of each space to make sure people are enticed (in an aesthetic way) to book their stays.

What were your first steps when it came to breaking down the brief and formulating your ideas?

I had a great set of initial references from the client of “must-haves” , and they expressed what they loved about my personal shooting style so I had free reign on styling. I did what I always do: get on Pinterest and create my own visual playground. I’m not one to just rely on a random burst of inspiration. My boards have a mix of my previous work, some ambitious shots and filler images to create a good roadmap of what I am working towards. I never rely solely on my inner creativity and always love to expand my style as every hotel is very different.

And what were the ideas and influences that you wanted to bring together?

I love flipping through The Best Hotels of the World books and looking at photography from remote boutique hotels that often show a very different approach to hotel photography with details. Architectural style is also very inspiring for me when I work with heritage hotels and restaurants. For this shoot I decided to mix your classic hotel photography expectations from the client + my own inspiration from boutique hotels, and bring them into the chains I was working with this time. The 3 hotels were entirely different from each other, so for me it was also important to deliver 3 very different galleries.

Tell us about the location or setting – where did you shoot and why there?

Since it is a hotel shoot, all locations are predetermined. St. Andrews is basically my photography paradise. The Fairmont might not be right in the town, but holy moly, those views? Absolutely stunning. Whilst Fairmont is not located in St Andrews, it has a beautiful view over it from the rooms. We were also very lucky with the weather, as September can be either very warm or very cold in Scotland so for the whole duration of the shoot we had proper summer weather which was perfect. The other 2 hotels are located in Edinburgh where the views speak for themselves, so I owe Mother Nature a favour for these views and beautiful natural light I got to work with.

Tech specs – what did you shoot on? Any interesting elements in the lighting or lenses that we should know about?

I shot everything on my Canon R6 mkII with a 24-70mm lens. It’s great for moving around quickly between locations. I prefer to get things as good as possible in-camera, so I don’t have  too much ‘fixing’ in post. For video, I used my DJI Osmo Pocket – it’s tiny but shoots in 4K and is perfect for those casual, behind-the-scenes UGC clips.

When considering the final shots, why this particular shot over any of the other takes?

I love a good interior shot! The views from the W are 360, and every room is looking at one or the other iconic landmarks. Here we can see a little bit of an ancient volcano Arhtur’s Seat blended perfectly with the W interior.

What is it about this project that stays with you? What made it different from anything else you’ve worked on?

Shooting three hotels in three days was intense. Exhausting, but totally fun. I loved that every hotel was different yet with similar odes to Scotland which is why I love working in this country so much.

See more from Viktoriia here.

Animate! with Rachael Olga Lloyd

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Animation brings stories to life, magically blending creativity and technical skill. In this series of interviews, we celebrate the artists who make the impossible seem real. One such artist is Rachael Olga Lloyd, an award-winning animation director specialising in stop-motion and puppetry. With a love for folklore, handcrafts, and storytelling, Rachael has a unique approach to her work that merges intricate detail with a heartfelt narrative.

We sat down with Rachael to chat about her journey into animation, which began with a spark of inspiration from the music video “Ready, Able” by Grizzly Bear. Her work, including her short films “Iktsuarpok” and “How to Count Sheep,” has garnered international recognition. Beyond her award-winning films, she’s collaborated with organisations like The Scouts and Fair Trials, creating meaningful and memorable animation projects. Through her creative process and personal experiences, Rachael offers insight into the world of stop-motion and the importance of self-exploration in artistic growth.

How did you fall in love with animation?

I have always been obsessed with art from as young as I can remember but never thought of animation till very late. Things like Wallace and Gromit never inspired me, it wasn’t until I first saw the Grizzly Bear music video “Ready Able” animated and directed by Allison Schulnik that I was suddenly like “Omg what is this? I want to do this! “

Tell us about the animation project that kickstarted your career?

My personal film Iktsuarpok, it was my first stop-motion film done to a higher standard and showcased a lot of things I wanted to explore more as an artist.

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How would you describe your art style and what are your biggest inspirations that developed it?

I guess I would describe my art style as very tactile, handcrafted, stylised, and sensitive. Most of the characters portrayed in my work have a sensitivity about them or sadness.

From your perspective, what’s the key to animation that really lives?

For Stop Motion specifically, I think it’s embracing the materials you use in the film. What makes stop-motion different is that it’s physical so you should embrace that and celebrate the handmade nature of it and not use so much CGI that it’s no longer recognisable as stop-motion.

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Show us your favourite or most impactful project that you’ve worked on – tell us, what is it that makes it special and what were the memorable moments or challenges?

I recently did a little video for the NHS, this stood out as it was the first time I made an informative video. It was a new and exciting approach to animation. The video is about chronic pain,  it was a real challenge to communicate this complicated topic in a video but it’s probably the part I enjoyed most. It made me realise that I love communicating ideas, whether through images in my films, through teaching or any other way.

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How does one figure out what kind of animation style or styles fits a particular story or project?

You need to understand the audience for the film and the feel or style that suits it. If it’s for an informative video for example then it needs to be broadly relatable and representative and overall very clear to easily communicate the information. If it’s a story or music video I tend to go through the story or song a lot in my head to feel and immerse myself in the emotions and then I set art to visualse a style that would suit those emotions.

What is your favourite piece of technology or software that you use and how does it help your creative process?

It’s a bit silly but my Pinterest. It’s just a simple online pinboard to store images but I have thousands of images, it’s like my online sketchbook.  Whenever I see anything ever I save it to my Pinterest for future reference. For example, I have a character pin board with hundreds of images of character ideas so when I start a new project I go on that and search through to find inspiration. It saves me so much time as well.

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Outside of the field of animation, what really inspires you?

Music,  a lot of my personal work is massively inspired by music. When I listen to a song it helps to come up with ideas for films and characters.

I also find handcrafts inspiring, I have been to many places in South America and Scandinavia and brought back loads of handcrafts, weaving, sculptures etc, and decorated my flat liberally with them. I just love being surrounded by this kind of art it really inspires me.

What do you think are the misconceptions about animation throughout the industry?

That it’s mostly for children. Animation is an art form just like any other and is not restricted to only very young people.

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What are the biggest changes to animation and challenges facing animators at the moment and what are your thoughts on them?

With the emergence of AI, I worry about the threat of work for artists due to issues with companies choosing AI over people due to cost-saving.  

Any advice you would like to give to aspiring artists?

Take time for self-exploration and what inspires you, as self-exploration and an artist’s style are connected. As we age, we should evolve and so should our art.

See more from Rachael here.

Bossing It: Going from Runner to Founder with Milana Karaica

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Milana Karaica founded NERD Productions, a diversity and inclusion led creative production company representing a wide range of hand-picked directors, illustrators and photographers. NERDs craft animation, illustration, live-action, mixed-media, and photography for feature films, TV, digital, social, editorial and everything in between.

What was your first experience of leadership?

After being a runner for a while, I landed a cool new job – office manager at a busy production company in Soho. Sounds like quite a boring job if the title is anything to go by BUUUT.. I had a team of amazing runners to help me pull off the most random, eccentric production tasks as well as incredible parties, team bonding trips and sometimes even the most bizarre requests. 

No day was ever the same, no task was ever the same. It meant always being on your toes, continuously learning, meeting new talented people and partying like it’s 1995 every single day! 

How did you figure out what kind of leader you wanted to be – or what kind of leader you didn’t want to be?

This job meant that I had to interact with producers and EPs on our day to day.. They had their crew, I had mine and we had to come together to make a job happen. 

It was here that I first got the real taste of amazing leaders and also simply horrific ones too. 

There were those that were kind, polite and open to sharing their knowledge with others on the team regardless of their social background or what role they played in production. 

On the other hand, you had those that would talk to people like they were dirt on the bottom of their worn-out trendy Converse trainers! 

It was painful to watch, listen to and simply be in the same room with. Even though I had only little say at that point in my career, I often clashed with those individuals, perhaps even when the situation didn’t involve me at all as I just could not stand unfair treatment! I knew I wanted to be different from them. I did my best to be supportive but straight up at the same time, both with the ones who were mistreated and the ones that were favoured.

What experience or moment gave you your biggest lesson in leadership?

Being a young EP and getting so ahead too quickly for my age! In my eyes I had the right to be there due to my relentless work energy and never saying no to a random all-night task or an unexpected challenge. With that came the need to prove myself though, to my peers whom I left behind, to older colleagues and specifically those that didn’t like me for many personal or subjective reasons – like being too young, too ethnic, or just for being from Croydon! 

I worked day and night. Missing family gatherings, birthdays – doing conference calls at funerals… yes, I did that! However, with the recognition and praise came the ego as well. There was a point where I started to care too much about myself and the unfair treatment I was getting, even in this position and actually forgetting that so many others had it the same or worse, but had much smaller voices than I did. 

Did you know you always wanted to take on a leadership role? If so how did you work towards it and if not, when did you start realising that you had it in you?

I think three weeks into my first job in the industry I knew I would run a production company one day. Not because I wanted to lead, but because it really pissed me off how things were being managed from a clique and classist point rather than based on merit of hard work and talent.

When it comes to ‘leadership’ as a skill, how much do you think is a natural part of personality, how much can be taught and learned?

You can learn anything if you push yourself hard enough and don’t limit yourself with your perceived weaknesses. That’s at least what I grew up believing. As I was becoming more and more heard, I started getting told by everyone that the biggest part to my leadership success is my diplomatic and tolerant personality – and that’s something you can’t learn or practice easily. 

I feel like you have to really believe in what you preach and be passionate about it, because people can always tell when you’re not being authentic.

What are the aspects of leadership that you find most personally challenging? And how do you work through them?

I hate having to let people go! It’s never nice to have to let someone go so I always try to empower people to see why they may be better at something else or be more suited to another adventure. It’s not fair to keep people on if they are not the best version of themselves as they are wasting their own time too, not just yours. 

 Have you ever felt like you’ve failed whilst in charge? How did you address the issue and what did you learn from it?

We all fail! Sometimes you don’t notice a team member is down and struggling with something, be it personal or work related. Sometimes you don’t initially pay enough attention to a problem or an unusual friction between team members. I believe it’s all a part of the process and if we couldn’t learn and improve continuously in our industry, I would just quit! It simply means it’s got to the point you don’t care enough anymore.

In terms of leadership and openness, what’s your approach there? Do you think it’s important to be as transparent as possible in the service of being authentic? Or is there a value in being careful and considered?

 I think honesty is the most important element of any successful relationship. We value this in our personal relationships so why not in our work collaborations? I’m not saying to share your every thought and worry, but to bring transparency while coming up with suggestions is always appreciated whichever side you are on.

As you developed your leadership skills did you have a mentor, if so who were/are they and what have you learned? And on the flip side, do you mentor any aspiring leaders and how do you approach that relationship?

 I have had a few people to look up to over the years and some of those have let me down which is always devastating, while others inspired and motivated me more than I expected. I mentor a lot of young and up and coming talent and always treat those as friendships and close relationships. You really have to get to know a person to be able to see their strengths and weaknesses and how to help them get to be the best they can be. It’s a big responsibility!

How important is your company culture to the success of your business? And how have you managed to keep it alive with increases in remote and hybrid working patterns?

As a company that represents diverse talent, we have been a global company since our first day. Working remotely has not really meant that we have had to change a thing about how we craft. Our company culture is the only reason I started NERD, so it is the key to what we do, how we do it and why – every day! 

What are the most useful resources you’ve found to help you along your leadership journey?

There is currently no space in my life to attend all the events I want and to spend endless time on self improvement and self discovery. I simply start and end my every day with thoughts of gratitude, reminding myself of all the things I pulled off that day, who I helped elevate and who I made smile…. I gently thank my stars and my path for all the passionate and creative people as well as my family.

What I do make the time for is to follow and chat with fellow leaders and founders. 

Real people with real experiences and journeys beat any theoretical resource for me personally.

NERD welcomes Photographer Manos Chatzikonstantis: Q&A

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We are absolutely delighted to introduce Manos to our continuously expanding talent roster. With his remarkable portfolio featuring delectable food photography, captivating portraits brimming with purpose, and the mesmerising landscapes of the Mediterranean, Manos brings a unique creative flair to our team. In an exclusive interview, we had the pleasure of discussing Manos’ portfolio, his award-winning image for the Portrait for Humanity, and the diverse array of influences that shape his distinctive style.

Your portfolio reflects a deep appreciation for light, composition, and the intricacies of imagery. Could you share a moment that sparked your fascination with these elements and ultimately led you to pursue photography as a career?

Creative expression comes from diverse parenthood. So many things in one’s life, many of them unconscious, contribute to one’s style. I suppose growing up in Greece, being familiar with strong light and shadows plays a role. Warm sun, reflections, the softness of the evening. These kinds of things. Working with great people as an assistant is also quite formative. Observing art plays its role, I suppose, as does literature. One resonates subconsciously with certain elements, with certain techniques. I believe in observing the world closely and photography is pretty much the profession to follow if you are like that and a horrid draughtsman at the same time.

Your food photography is described as natural yet inviting, every shot we look at just gives us that ‘yum’ feeling. How do you approach each food shoot to ensure the dishes not only look appealing but also tell a compelling story?

What’s important is to understand the food itself and what the shot is for. It’s like a portrait really, where you have to connect with the person at some level and convey something. I need to know what the food is about, where it comes from, and what traditions it’s connected with.

Then comes the technical part. Chat with the team if this is part of a production. Which bits need to be highlighted, how this particular food reacts with light and colour? And in the end, one has to have a story going. Where are we, where is this dish supposed to be, whose place is this? Even if it’s just a white background where the food is placed, it should bear the soul of the people involved in preparing it.

Your Mediterranean cultural roots shine through in the textures, shadows, and colours of your work. How do you incorporate your cultural influences into your photography, and how do you believe it sets your style apart in the industry?

I believe that one’s style has to be true to oneself to have some significance. I’m equally fascinated by the South as I am by the northern crisp sunlight or the shadows of an object lit through a window on a gloomy day. Maybe having lived in Germany and the UK, being originally from Greece.  I somehow came to understand and appreciate the southern narrative elements better and learn how to combine them with the northern ones. That might be one thing. And the other might be that I don’t particularly care for stereotypes and try to avoid them. Removing elements usually works better than adding.

Winning the Portrait of Humanity award and being shortlisted for prestigious awards like the Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year demonstrate the recognition your work has received. Can you tell us a backstory of your Portrait of Humanity winning image?

Oh, I love this image. The great thing about living in London is that you rub shoulders with all those cultures, all those different people. The shot was made in Stamford Hill, where most of the Jewish Orthodox community lives. I was working on a book about Jewish kosher cuisine at the time and Purim was going on, a religious celebration similar to carnival. People get totally bonkers there during the festival. It’s a wonderful thing to observe and interestingly not many Londoners know about it. I was roaming the streets, camera in hand and these kids were just coming out of their place to join the festivities. I took a shot, then they noticed me and as they gave me a shy smile I managed another two shots. One of them made the Portrait of Humanity competition. A lovely moment.

And to finish off, tell us a NERDy fact about yourself 🙂

Here’s two:
I love Superbad.  
When I edit photos I listen to weird, modular, glitch music. Or Frank Zappa’s mad guitar riffs.

See more from Manos here.

Chantel King: Q&A

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We sat down with NERD’s beauty photographer Chantel to chat through her favourite projects, her creative push and the importance of diversity and representation not only in her work but also on set.

What inspired you to pursue a career in beauty and portraiture photography, and how has your journey from art foundation to graphic design influenced your unique style?

I began my career exploring fashion photography. I was captivated by Tim Walker’s portraits. I love his wonderful, creative use of lighting and oversized props to enhance his images. Honestly, I began shooting beauty due to a lack of finding a brilliant fashion stylist, which is extremely important in fashion. To my surprise, I find so much joy in shooting beauty and portraits and wouldn’t look back. I love photographing all skin types well and capturing the realness of a person.

Your portfolio showcases a diverse range of projects, from soft and gentle portraits to bold and dynamic compositions. What is your favourite project to date and why?

There are many favourites of mine; however, if I had to choose one, it would be my ‘Synthesis’ series. I love this series because it’s not merely a portrait, but a collaborative piece involving makeup, hair, styling, and art direction. I shot the portraits alongside still lifes, which were then collaged together by the art director to form a new portrait, hence the title ‘Synthesis.’ These portraits have received much praise and recognition.

Your commitment to inclusivity and representation in photography strongly aligns with our values at NERD. How has being a black female photographer impacted your journey in this industry?

Representation is extremely important to me; being seen makes a huge difference in this industry. I address this message wherever I can. I also ensure that I have a diverse team, whether in front of or behind the camera. This diversity is reflected in my portfolio and the stories told through my work. I notice the significance of subtle surprises from models who recognise me as the photographer, and the fact that the majority of assistants who reach out to me are women of colour. They see themselves in me, which is deeply rewarding. Additionally, I strive to pay my expertise forward in various ways.

Experimentation seems to be a key element in your creative process, from playing with different lighting techniques to exploring various styles. Could you tell us about a particularly memorable experiment or project that pushed the boundaries of your artistic expression?

Yes, I love playing with light. The shoot where I pushed myself the most was in my ‘Art of Glass’ beauty series. For this series, I held different vases in front of the lens, creating a beautiful spherical viewpoint of the image that I simply could not recreate in post-production.

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And finally, tell us a NERDy fact about yourself 🙂

I absolutely love all types of puzzles whether it’s jigsaws, escape rooms, sudoku, or any puzzle where I have to solve something, I get so excited and even more when I complete it.

See more from Chantel here.

NERD Productions Welcomes Illustrator Amanda Lanzone

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Catching up with Amanda, we took a peek into her creative journey and explored her sources of inspiration, her favourite work,  and found out she really is a true NERD!

What has been the most exhilarating source of inspiration shaping your bold and playful style in illustration, and how has it evolved throughout your career?

I have always drawn from my own life and interests. I enjoy drawing the things I love, things I think would be clever, my surroundings, things inspired by memories, current happenings, or things I wish existed. Inspiration can really come from anywhere at any time. I have taken pictures of trash in the street because I liked how the colours looked together.

I think it’s very natural for an artist to continuously grow, and at the same time hone in on what makes them consistently and uniquely themselves. Over time, my style evolved naturally. I pretty much use the same base formula when I make new work, but expand it by tweaking things here and there. I just do what feels right to me at the time.

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Could you share with us a memorable project where you offered a clever creative angle to a concept, and how did you approach the process to achieve it?

Vice had me come up with some unique banners for each of the astrological signs for their horoscope section. This concept was inspired by a big corkboard I had in my childhood bedroom that had a bunch of my stuff stuck to it. (photos, drawings, stickers, tickets, small toys, crafts, trinkets, etc)

The creative process for this was very involved, but also very fun since they really let me run wild with this idea. I worked closely with an astrologer to come up with specific items to fill each sign’s ‘cork board’. Putting these together was meticulous since each item had a specific purpose behind it, which I still think is really cool when I look back on it.

As both an illustrator and a professor at the School of Visual Arts, how do you balance your creative pursuits with teaching and mentoring aspiring artists?

You have to make time for the things that are important to you. Both creating artwork and teaching are very rewarding to me. With my art, I do my own thing, and I guide each of my students to do their own thing, too.

I remember what it was like and how it felt when I was a student at SVA, I learned so much while I was there. And over the years, my career experiences and personal work have taught me things, too. I’m grateful to be at a point where I can pass my knowledge and help young artists blossom. Even as someone who now teaches others, my learning and development are constant.

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And finally, tell us a NERDy fact about yourself 🙂

I definitely have a bunch of niche interests, but some of my more ‘nerdy’ ones revolve around Japanese media. I have a few different old video game systems still plugged in. I never gave up playing games like Katamari Damacy and Dance Dance Revolution. I also still take care of Tamagotchi. I read manga and watch a lot of anime, too. ✌️

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See more from Amanda here.

3 Minutes with Billelis

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Billelis’s distinct visual style serves as a testament to his unconventional inspirations. Drawing from a diverse array of influences including religious iconography, Tarot symbolism, sci-fi aesthetics, demonic imagery, Renaissance masterpieces, anatomical illustrations a la Da Vinci, classical Greek and Roman sculptures, Baroque extravagance, tattoo artistry, and adorned saints, his work resonates with a haunting beauty that defies categorisation.

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Bill’s recognisable artworks have captivated audiences across the world, propelling him into collaborations with industry titans such as Nike, Warner Music, Netflix, Red Bull, Sony, and Apple, among a myriad of others. Through these partnerships, he continues to push the boundaries of artistic expression, leaving an indelible mark on the creative landscape.

We sat down with Bill for a cup of tea, (yes he drinks tea… just like us 🙂 ) to find out more about the most prominent moments of his career and hope for the future.

What’s the most exciting place one of your artworks have lived in?

Choosing between Times Square and The Dart Milan art gallery is a tough decision! Both hold significant moments in my career and are iconic in their own right.

What is something you’re looking forward to exploring or learning more about when it comes to your craft?

Discovering the fulfilment that arises from achieving a genuine balance between life and work has been a game-changer. Over the past decade, I immersed myself in work, but it took a toll on my personal life. Recently, I’ve made a conscious effort to prioritize my free time, and surprisingly, it has led to heightened productivity and inspiration. It’s as if setting self-imposed deadlines at the age of 35 has proven to be incredibly effective for me.

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Do you have any dream illustration projects? What are they?

We love a glass ceiling, don’t we? I have been so fortunate to work with many aspects of Hollywood and the gaming industry, coupled with the music industry and publishing book cover scene, I found myself spoilt for choice.

I have recently really enjoyed working on more collaborative projects like beer can artwork, stage art for bands and personal illustrations.

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I would love to create a coffee table book with my entire body of work, but focusing on commercial opportunities I would have to say more gaming projects and perhaps a curveball would be fashion. The tangible aspect of my work out in the world is very fulfilling.

See more from Billelis on his NERD Productions profile.