An Open Letter to Art Students

marcos designthinking - NERD Blog - An Open Letter to Art Students

“The piece below was originally a letter that I’d written to a former student. Since then it’s gone through a few alterations. I wanted to share it with you because it’s nearing the end of the school year, and as someone who keeps a thread to his past, I remember what it felt like to be there.

I don’t recall the specifics of why I wrote to her, but I wonder if it had to do with the uncertainties that come with being an artist, especially one who is about to graduate from school in a couple of weeks. I guess then, this letter is really an open letter to those of you who are in a similar space now.” – Marcos Chin

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Get To Know: NERD’s brand new craft director, Hayley Morris

Hayley Morris Headshot NERD Productions 1 - NERD Blog - Get To Know: NERD’s brand new craft director, Hayley Morris

Our freshly launched director Hayley Morris stands for everything that we envision here at NERD – gender equality in the industry, encouraging young talent and crafting visually stunning work – that’s why we’re diving deeper into Hayley’s inspiring, handcrafted world to discover more about how she became the thriving success that she is today.

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