Getting Down and NERDy: Light + Mathematics – Animals & Nature

Screen Shot 2019 03 13 at 16.58.29 - NERD Blog - Getting Down and NERDy: Light + Mathematics - Animals & Nature

NERD’s CGI-sharp Light + Mathematics mirrors his infatuation for creating imaginary, child-like worlds full of billowing birds, scintillating squirrels and lustrous lions through each of his passion projects, as you may have seen in his roster of blockbuster movies such as Ice Age, Shrek, Harry Potter and Madagascar. But we wanted to know more…

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Get to Know: NERD’s Woman of Power, Milana Karaica

Milana - NERD Blog - Get to Know: NERD's Woman of Power, Milana Karaica

To signify 2019’s International Women’s Day, photographer and diversity advocate Yana Binaev‘s documentary photojournalism project launched with TMRW Magazine, designed to reveal the uplifting stories of eleven incredible, influential ladies who have made their mark and written their destiny despite a bumpy journey, including the woman at the heart of NERD’s core, our founder Milana Karaica.

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Introducing… Brett De Vos: The New Wave of Media Makers

Screen Shot 2018 11 05 at 15.42.11 - NERD Blog - Introducing... Brett De Vos: The New Wave of Media Makers

NERD Productions are extremely thrilled to reveal the latest addition to our ever-growing roster, established and inspired live action director Brett De Vos.

With a background in both performance and cinematography, Brett became a perfectly fitting member of the NERD family as he expressed his interest and desire in producing empowering work that promotes a positive message specifically related to gender, orientation, body-image, class and freedom of self-expression.

As strong and active advocates for diversity and inclusion, we at NERD believe it is important to keep up the conversation of change, therefore sharing with you Brett’s unboxing of society’s conformity.

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NERD Says: It’s Time To Stop Talking About Diversity & Start Doing

MS Lifelines Shay Hamias NERD1 - NERD Blog - NERD Says: It's Time To Stop Talking About Diversity & Start Doing

Diversity has been a huge topic in advertising this year, and rightly so. People are finally paying attention to a subject that has been shamefully overlooked for years, by an industry which has the power to positively change the way people and issues are represented both in the media and in their companies. And whilst it’s great that we are all attending and taking part in events surrounding the issue, and opening up a wider discussion, when are we going to take responsibility in our individual sectors and actually create change? Continue reading “NERD Says: It’s Time To Stop Talking About Diversity & Start Doing”