NERD Says: It’s #WorldMentalHealthDay And We’re Here For You.

mental health day quotes empty - NERD Blog - NERD Says: It's #WorldMentalHealthDay And We're Here For You.

Mental health is something that affects each and every one of us differently, some more positively than others. To show our support of all those that may be struggling inside and outside of creative industries, we’ve compiled a list of tips from the NERD family, who’ve shared their personal experiences and triumphs in the hopes of helping others.

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Inside My Digital Sketchbook: Skeeva

Nerd Prod Skeeva - NERD Blog - Inside My Digital Sketchbook: Skeeva

My Digital Sketchbook – like one huge box of LEGO, where every piece is stored until one day an idea leads you down the path of creating something you hadn’t expected. Mixing, moulding, experimenting… a widespread of elements coming together in front of you to create some very cool happy accidents that you couldn’t even imagine. That’s when something magical happens.

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A Case For Diversity

a case for diversity fausto becatti nerd productions 10 - NERD Blog - A Case For Diversity

Our industry is changing, and for the better. We have a long way still to go but we’re getting there, together. Director and diversity and inclusion advocate Fausto Becatti put his thoughts to virtual paper as he discusses the impactful choices we have as creatives and influencers, the potential positive effect this can have on our audience and how we can ensure that we’re working to be mindful of the media we’re creating, allowing everyone to feel included and empowered.

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Inside My Sketchbook: Elmaz Ekrem – My Top 5 Tips

elmaz ekrem sketch booktips NERD Productions - NERD Blog - Inside My Sketchbook: Elmaz Ekrem - My Top 5 Tips

What better time than the present is there to start drawing? Whether you’ve kept a sketchbook, journal, scrapbook or a series of loose paper drawings, whether you’ve consistently doodled each day for years, sporadically added to the same (or several) different books never quite completing one, or failed to start one altogether… what follows is a list of helpful tips that I live by to spur my creativity and encourage me to keep a lively, over-used book of artistic brilliance.

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An Open Letter to Art Students

marcos designthinking - NERD Blog - An Open Letter to Art Students

“The piece below was originally a letter that I’d written to a former student. Since then it’s gone through a few alterations. I wanted to share it with you because it’s nearing the end of the school year, and as someone who keeps a thread to his past, I remember what it felt like to be there.

I don’t recall the specifics of why I wrote to her, but I wonder if it had to do with the uncertainties that come with being an artist, especially one who is about to graduate from school in a couple of weeks. I guess then, this letter is really an open letter to those of you who are in a similar space now.” – Marcos Chin

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NEWS: Young Director Elmaz Ekrem recognised at BFI Future Film Festival

Elmaz Ekrem BFI Future Film Festival 2018 - NERD Blog - NEWS: Young Director Elmaz Ekrem recognised at BFI Future Film Festival

Elmaz Ekrem’s “The Law of The Sea” returns to the BFI this week to be part of the BFI Future Film Festival where it will be collecting its first laurel. The Random Acts film created for Channel 4 last year will be featured as part of the Modern Life shorts programme which celebrates international shorts from emerging filmmakers aged 16 – 25.

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