Oh, the wonderful August weather. We definitely haven’t missed the rain! But with typically unpredictable weather, comes one of nature’s most special gifts – the rainbow. Have you spotted one yet? We were inspired to create our very own spectrum of visual vibrancy, through our talent’s illustration.
Continue reading “An Illustration Rainbow”NEWS: NERD’s Latest Signing Animation Director Sharon Liu on Climate Change Awareness Spots
Our Earth’s temperature is rising, our oceans are warming and our ice is melting. News to nobody, right? But what does that mean for the future of our home and every living being in it?
With the need to take action against climate change greater than ever, NERD’s Sharon Liu shares her concern and passion for the environment through two heart-warming spots for The Climate Coalition’s #ShowTheLove campaign.
Continue reading “NEWS: NERD’s Latest Signing Animation Director Sharon Liu on Climate Change Awareness Spots”SIGNED! Stop-Motion Specialised Animation Director, Heather Colbert
Have you met the newest arm of the NERD family tree? Introducing illustrator and stop-motion obsessed, Heather Colbert.
Continue reading “SIGNED! Stop-Motion Specialised Animation Director, Heather Colbert”Getting Down and NERDy: Elmaz Ekrem – Space
“I guess my most intense obsession is… SPACE!
I’ve always loved space and wanted to be an astrophysicist right up until I flopped my physics A Level.
But that didn’t stop me!
Continue reading “Getting Down and NERDy: Elmaz Ekrem – Space”
Getting Down and NERDy: James Gifford – Dungeons & Dragons
When’s the last time somebody told you that geek is the new chic? We want you to embrace, enjoy and indulge in your inner nerd! What better way to do that than by sharing with you our secret obsessions?
Introducing the mysterious, mythological world of Dungeons and Dragons…
Continue reading “Getting Down and NERDy: James Gifford – Dungeons & Dragons”
NEWS: Watch Paloma’s Intricately Crafted Spot for Notorious Mattress Company, Casper
NERD’s directorial tandem, Paloma of Lucas Borrás and Alicja Jasina, launched their stylishly directed hand drawn (frame by frame) 2D spot for worldwide mattress company Casper just this week.